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Tags HAN.V4

Current HAN 4 Kernel

Changes in the recent HAN Kernel

HAN Kernel

  • The Kernel delivers additional headers even if error codes (40X) are sent by the provider. So far only the default headers were sent (concerns Web of Science).
  • Replacement of server names is also done by reverse written server names (necessary for Knovel).

Please note: 

The recent HAN Kernel can only be loaded from the local HAN installation. The download link is shown in the page 'Version Information'.

The HAN 4.5 Kernel needs an HAN 4.5.x Installation as system requeriment and can not be copied in HAN 4.x installations. Please ensure that you have have a recent 4.5 installation before using this kernel.

Article #3481 | 11/22/17 | Markus Libiseller